
Welcome to my blog about....well ...ME! Hope I don't bore you all to tears! I intend this blog to be about my journey to setting the beautiful skinny person inside this fat shell of a body free. So lets sit back and enjoy the ride! yeeeehhhaaaa

Friday, January 28, 2011


OMG OMG OMG OMG I did it!!!  I ran!  Not far, but I ran anyway!  1.45 kms!  13.45 (I think??)  So so proud of me right now!  Never ran for more than 5 mins before without stopping...okay never ran for 5 mins even!

Started with a slight incline and I was huffing and puffing and huffing along.  Then Miss Sunshine my training partner says to me "Just keep going.  Slow down, get your breath back but don't stop.  Keep those legs ticking over"  About that stage the fabulous Miss Sunshine runs off....she is a machine!  BUT I kept those legs ticking I got my breathing sorted and I kept those legs ticking over.  I chanted JUST FN DO IT, JFDI  (I so love love LOVE that saying) and I did it. 

I made a promise with my body.  If it got me to the end of the road, then we'll walk back.  Well....I skipped back!  Was on cloud 9!  Would've even ran back...however have a problem.  I get to a certain point then I need to ..well go...umm...toilet!  And its very very hard to run and clench at same time.  Hmmm is this just another excuse.  Probably!  But I do get the urge.....badly!  So need to find a solution for that little hurdle.  Hmm maybe a porta loo at the end of the road???????

I'm on my way, aha aha, from misery to happiness toodeeeeyyy aha aha


  1. Haha! Nice one Paula!! You SHOULD be so proud of yourself!! YAY!

    I thought of entering that um, toilet problem, as one of my absurd excuses in Michelle's competition:

    "I can't go for a run yet as I haven't done a number #2 and don't want to be caught out 2km's from home".

    Haha. Love your post. And feeling proud for you too! :) It's a good feeling!! x

  2. I am so proud of you! Unreal! How great does it feel to do something you didn't think you could?????

  3. That's awesome! There's hope for me yet to be able to run!!!
